Sara Beth

'Fantasy' Scripts

All scripts found here are free to use, and can be used for demo reels or however else you see fit. 


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[Worried and Protective] (grabs your arm) Don’t go into the Darkwood. It’s too dangerous. (shakes head) I can’t let you risk it with the shadows lurking. (voice softens) Please, stay safe and wait for the light of day.


[Defiant and Brave] (stands tall) You think you can scare us with your dark army? (steps forward) We’re not backing down. (points) We’ve come too far to be intimidated by your sorcery. (glares) Bring it on, we are ready for battle.


[Reflective and Melancholic] (sighs) It wasn’t supposed to be this way. (looks up at the enchanted sky) I dreamt of something different for our kingdom. (voice softens) Sometimes I wonder… (looks at you) What if things had gone as planned and the alliance had held?


[Excited and Determined] (grins) This is our chance to claim the hidden treasure! (packs enchanted bag) We’ve been waiting for this moment since we found the map. (looks at you eagerly) Ready to make history and become legends? (claps hands) Let’s do this and embark on the greatest adventure!


[Surprised and Joyful] (gasps) You’re here! (runs to hug) I thought I’d never see you again after the battle. (steps back, smiling) This is the best surprise ever, my old friend. (laughs) I missed you so much.


[Worried and Protective] (grabs your arm) The sorcerer’s tower is no place for the untrained. (shakes head) I can’t let you risk it. (voice softens) Please, stay safe. (sighs) I’ll handle this.


[Defiant and Brave] (stands tall) They think their magic can scare us? (steps forward) We’ve faced worse. (glares) We’ll break their spell and free our land. (raises weapon) For freedom!


[Reflective and Melancholic] (sighs) The old days were different. (looks up at the stars) We had peace. (voice soft) Now, it’s all gone. (turns to you) Do you think we’ll ever get it back?


[Angry and Determined] (clenches fists) This isn’t over with the dark sorcerer. (glares) They think they’ve won, but they’re wrong. (paces) We’ll come back stronger with our allies. (points) And we’ll take back what’s ours. (grits teeth) Mark my words.

I can’t wait to chat with you! Here’s my contact info:




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All text, images, and media on this website are owned by Sara Beth. All rights reserved © 2024

Tags: voice over, vocal talent, vocal artist, voice over artist, voice over talent, southern, Northern American accent, narration, commercial, character, fun, upbeat, e-learning, friendly voice, audiobook narration, corporate voice over, animation voice over, professional voice over, IVR voice, female, demo, custom voice over, experienced voice talent, easy to work with, memorable voice, video game voice, telephone system, telecommunication voice, cute voice