Sara Beth

'Desperate' Scripts

All scripts found here are free to use, and can be used for demo reels or however else you see fit. 


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(paces the room, wringing hands) I can’t believe it… How did it come to this? Everything was fine yesterday… Everything was normal! (voice cracks) Now you’re telling me I have to leave? I can’t just pack up and disappear… Please, there must be another way. I’ll do anything… ANYTHING!

(clutches the phone, tears streaming down) No, please, listen to me! You don’t understand what this means… If you leave now, I’m… I’m nothing without you. (sobs) I need you to stay… I’ll change, I promise! Just don’t walk away… Don’t leave me here, alone…

(sits on the floor, head in hands) It’s all falling apart… I tried so hard, but nothing worked… (looks up, eyes red) Why can’t you see that I’m drowning here? I need help, I can’t do this on my own… (voice lowers to a whisper) Please, don’t abandon me now… Not when I need you the most…

(holds the letter tightly, knuckles white) This… this can’t be happening… Not now, not when we were so close… (tears the letter in half) There has to be another solution! We can’t just give up! (voice rises in desperation) Tell me what to do, I’ll fix it… Just don’t give up on us… not yet…

(grabs friend’s arm, eyes wide) You can’t go through with this, you just can’t! It’s too dangerous… What if something happens to you? (shakes head, voice trembling) I can’t lose you, not like this… I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Please, stay with me… We can find another way… together…

(stands in the doorway, blocking the exit) No, you don’t understand! If you walk out that door, I might never see you again… (voice breaks) You’re my last hope, the only thing keeping me from falling apart… I can’t let you go. Please, stay… Just for a little longer… I need you more than you’ll ever know…

I can’t wait to chat with you! Here’s my contact info:




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All text, images, and media on this website are owned by Sara Beth. All rights reserved © 2024

Tags: voice over, vocal talent, vocal artist, voice over artist, voice over talent, southern, Northern American accent, narration, commercial, character, fun, upbeat, e-learning, friendly voice, audiobook narration, corporate voice over, animation voice over, professional voice over, IVR voice, female, demo, custom voice over, experienced voice talent, easy to work with, memorable voice, video game voice, telephone system, telecommunication voice, cute voice