Sara Beth

'60-90 Second' Scripts

All scripts found here are free to use, and can be used for demo reels or however else you see fit. 


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[Comedy] (laughing) You remember that time you tried to make a soufflé? (shakes head) I swear, you turned that kitchen into a crime scene. Flour on the ceiling, eggs on the floor… (mimics throwing an egg) You were like, “It’s just a small explosion!” hahaha… (takes a bite of popcorn) And the fire alarm? That thing was our theme song for a month. (pause) You know, I still can’t believe you thought using the blender without the lid was a good idea. (smirking) It was like a scene from a bad cooking show. (leans in) So, what culinary disaster are you attempting tonight? Spaghetti? Oh, God help us… (laughs) I’ll get the fire extinguisher ready. Remember last time you boiled the pasta so long it turned into mush? (teasingly) Or when you tried to make garlic bread and we ended up with charcoal? (mock horror) If you set off the smoke alarm again, I might just move out. (grinning) But hey, at least your enthusiasm never dies.


[Classical] (softly) The moor has grown so quiet since your departure, my love… (touches the glass) Each dawn rises with a whisper of your name… (sighs) I wander these halls, a ghost amidst the shadows, yearning for the sound of your voice… (pauses, turns away) They say time heals all wounds, but this heartache remains a steadfast companion. (clutches a locket) I fear I am but a shell of who I once was, awaiting your return with a hope that fades with each passing day… (closes eyes) The gardens you tended so lovingly now lie in disarray, much like my heart. (walks slowly) The laughter we shared, the dreams we wove together, now seem like distant echoes in a cold, empty chamber. (sits down) I write to you each night, letters that remain unsent, pouring my soul onto paper, hoping the winds might carry my words to you. (voice trembling) Oh, my dearest, when will the fates reunite us? Until that blessed day, I remain ever yours, lost in the memory of your touch and the promise of your return.


[Dramatic] (angrily) You think this is a game?! (pauses, breathes heavily) I’ve given everything… EVERYTHING to make this work! (slams fist on table) And what do I get in return? Lies. Deception. (points finger) You stood there, looking me in the eyes, and lied to my face. (voice breaking) I trusted you. (pause) You were my partner, my confidant… (shakes head) How am I supposed to move forward knowing what you’ve done? (steps back) How do we rebuild from this betrayal? (paces more) Every plan we made, every dream we shared, now feels like a cruel joke. (stops, looks away) Did it mean nothing to you? (voice softening) I thought we were in this together, but now… now I don’t know what to believe. (sighs deeply) Maybe I’m a fool for ever believing in us. (long pause) But despite all this, I can’t just walk away. (sits down) We need to talk, really talk, and figure out where we go from here. Because I can’t bear the thought of giving up without a fight.


[Heroic] Today, we stand on the edge of destiny… (pauses, scans horizon) Every step we’ve taken, every sacrifice we’ve made, has led us to this moment. (draws sword) The enemy believes they can crush our spirit, but they underestimate the fire that burns within us. (raises sword) Remember why we fight! For our families, for our homes, for the future we wish to build. (pauses, voice softens) I see the fear in your eyes, and I feel it too. But courage is not the absence of fear—it’s acting despite it. (paces slightly) We may be outnumbered, but we have something they do not—unity, and the strength that comes from fighting for what is just. (firmly) Together, we will face them. We will show them that we are not merely survivors; we are warriors. (raises voice) Now, steel your hearts and stand tall. For today, we write our own legend!


[Celebratory] Can you believe it? We actually pulled it off! (hugs friend) This party is amazing! (looks around, smiling) I mean, look at all these decorations. (laughs) Remember when we were worried no one would show up? And now, it’s like the whole town is here! (takes a deep breath) I can’t thank you enough for helping me with all of this. (points to the cake) And that cake—it’s a work of art! (pauses) You know, seeing everyone here, laughing and having a good time… it’s just perfect. (raises glass) Here’s to many more celebrations, and to the best friend a person could ask for. Cheers!


[Reflective] (thoughtfully) It’s funny how time changes things… (looks out at the horizon) I used to rush through life, always focused on the next goal, the next achievement. (pauses, smiles softly) But now, sitting here, watching the sunset, I realize how much I missed. (takes a deep breath) The simple moments, the quiet joys. (glances at a passerby) I’ve spent so many years saving lives, and in the process, I forgot to live my own. (pauses) Every patient taught me something—resilience, hope, the value of a single moment. (looks down) I want to carry those lessons with me, to find balance. (smiles) It’s never too late to start appreciating the little things, is it?

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All text, images, and media on this website are owned by Sara Beth. All rights reserved © 2024

Tags: voice over, vocal talent, vocal artist, voice over artist, voice over talent, southern, Northern American accent, narration, commercial, character, fun, upbeat, e-learning, friendly voice, audiobook narration, corporate voice over, animation voice over, professional voice over, IVR voice, female, demo, custom voice over, experienced voice talent, easy to work with, memorable voice, video game voice, telephone system, telecommunication voice, cute voice