Sara Beth

'4-Person' Scripts

All scripts found here are free to use, and can be used for demo reels or however else you see fit. 


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A Detective Team Solving a Case

(1) Detective Mason – The lead detective, sharp and focused.
(2) Detective Riley – The tech expert, resourceful and quick-witted.
(3) Detective Jordan – The rookie, eager and observant.
(4) Captain Harris – The seasoned captain, providing guidance and oversight.
(1) – Riley, what have you got on the surveillance footage?
(2) – I’ve managed to enhance the video. Look, there’s our suspect entering the building at 10:45 PM.
(3) – Good catch, Riley. What about the getaway car?
(4) – I’m working on it. We have partial plates, but it’s a start.
(1) – Jordan, I need you to follow up with the witness statements. Cross-check everything.
(2) – On it, Detective Mason. I’ll have a report ready by the end of the day.
(3) – Captain Harris, we’re closing in. We just need a bit more to make the arrest.
(4) – Keep pushing, team. You’re doing great. We’ll nail this guy soon.


A Group of Friends Planning a Surprise Party


(1) Jenna – The organized planner, loves details.
(2) Mark – The jokester, keeps things light-hearted.
(3) Lisa – The creative one, in charge of decorations.
(4) Tom – The chef, handling the food.
(1) – Alright, guys, we have to make sure everything’s perfect for Sarah’s surprise party.
(2) – I’ll handle the entertainment. Got some hilarious games planned.
(3) – Decorations are my thing. I’m thinking fairy lights and balloons everywhere.
(4) – And I’ll cook up a storm. Any special requests?
(1) – Just make sure there’s something for everyone. And Mark, don’t go overboard with the pranks.
(2) – Me? Overboard? Never!
(3) – We trust you, Tom. Your food is always a hit.
(4) – Thanks, Lisa. Let’s make this the best surprise party ever!


A Family Preparing for a Big Move

(1) Dad (Mike) – Practical and focused on the logistics.
(2) Mom (Karen) – Sentimental, finds it hard to leave.
(3) Daughter (Sophie) – Excited for the new adventure.
(4) Son (Jack) – Nervous about leaving friends behind.
(1) – Okay, everyone, we need to start packing. Movers will be here in two days.
(2) – I’m going to miss this place. So many memories.
(3) – I can’t wait to see our new house! I’ve already planned how to decorate my room.
(4) – But what about my friends? I don’t want to leave them.
(1) – We’ll visit often, Jack. And you’ll make new friends, I promise.
(2) – Sophie, help me pack the fragile items. We need to be careful with these.
(3) – Sure, Mom. It’s going to be great, Jack. You’ll see.
(4) – I hope so. I’m just worried things won’t be the same.
(1) – Change is hard, but it’s also exciting. We’ll make new memories together.


A Band Rehearsing for Their First Big Gig

(1) Max – The confident lead singer.
(2) Emma – The talented guitarist, always striving for perfection.
(3) Leo – The laid-back drummer, the peacemaker.
(4) Chloe – The energetic bassist, full of enthusiasm.
(1) – Alright, team, this is our last rehearsal before the big gig. Let’s make it count.
(2) – We’ve got this, Max. Just need to nail that solo in the second song.
(3) – No worries, Emma. You always crush it. Let’s just keep the rhythm tight.
(4) – And bring the energy! We want the crowd to feel it.
(1) – Exactly, Chloe. We need to connect with them from the first note.
(2) – Let’s run through the set list one more time. I want everything to be perfect.
(3) – You got it. Ready on drums.
(4) – Bass is locked and loaded. Let’s rock this!
(1) – Let’s do it! One, two, three, four!

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All text, images, and media on this website are owned by Sara Beth. All rights reserved © 2024

Tags: voice over, vocal talent, vocal artist, voice over artist, voice over talent, southern, Northern American accent, narration, commercial, character, fun, upbeat, e-learning, friendly voice, audiobook narration, corporate voice over, animation voice over, professional voice over, IVR voice, female, demo, custom voice over, experienced voice talent, easy to work with, memorable voice, video game voice, telephone system, telecommunication voice, cute voice