Sara Beth

'2-Person' Scripts

All scripts found here are free to use, and can be used for demo reels or however else you see fit. 


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A Knight Refusing to Work with Someone Untrustworthy


(1) Sir Roland – A noble knight, proud and honorable.
(2) Luthar – A cunning mercenary, skilled but known for betrayal.



(1) – Luthar, I will not ride into battle alongside a man whose loyalty shifts like the wind.
(2) – Oh come now, Sir Roland… A little flexibility never hurt anyone.
(1) – Flexibility? You mean treachery. I’ve seen you abandon comrades for gold.
(2) – And yet, here I am, offering my sword. Perhaps I seek redemption.
(1) – Redemption is earned through actions, not empty promises.
(2) – What must I do to prove myself, then? Save a kingdom? Slay a dragon?
(1) – Start by being truthful. Trust is built on honesty, Luthar. Without it, you are nothing to me.
(2) – Very well, Sir Roland. I will show you my true colors, but do not be surprised if they aren’t to your liking.


A Protective Friend Warning Someone to Stay Away


(1) Maria – A fiercely protective friend, always watching out for those she cares about.
(2) Jamie – A naive and adventurous spirit, prone to getting into trouble.



(1) – Jamie, you need to stay away from that place. It’s dangerous.
(2) – Come on, Maria, you’re always worrying too much. It’s just an old house.
(1) – That “old house” has a reputation. People go in and don’t come out.
(2) – You sound like one of those ghost stories our grandparents tell.
(1) – This isn’t a story, Jamie. I’ve seen things… Shadows that move when they shouldn’t.
(2) – Maybe it’s just your imagination playing tricks.
(1) – Or maybe it’s something real. Please, Jamie, for once, listen to me.
(2) – Alright, alright… I’ll stay away. But you’re buying me ice cream for scaring me like this.


A Hero Preparing to Take on a Challenge


(1) Arin – A seasoned hero, scarred by battles but determined.
(2) Kael – A young apprentice, eager but inexperienced.



(1) – Kael, do you see that mountain? Beyond it lies our true test.
(2) – I see it, Arin. And I’m ready. I’ve trained for this.
(1) – Training is one thing. Facing real danger is another. The beasts there are relentless.
(2) – I trust in my skills… and in you. You’ve taught me well.
(1) – It’s not just skill that will see us through. It’s heart, courage… and knowing when to retreat.
(2) – Retreat? I thought we were here to fight.
(1) – And fight we will. But survival is the greatest victory. Remember that.
(2) – Understood, Arin. I won’t let you down.


A Friend Celebrating Another’s Success


(1) Sarah – A cheerful and supportive friend, always encouraging others.
(2) Lucy – A talented artist who has just had her first gallery show.



(1) – Lucy! That was incredible! Your paintings… They were breathtaking!
(2) – Thanks, Sarah. I still can’t believe it’s real. My own gallery show…
(1) – Believe it! You’ve worked so hard for this moment.
(2) – It feels surreal. Like I’m dreaming.
(1) – It’s no dream. It’s your talent shining through. I knew you could do it.
(2) – Your support means everything to me, Sarah. I couldn’t have done it without you.
(1) – Nonsense! This is all you. Your vision, your dedication. I’m just here to celebrate with you!
(2) – And I’m so glad you are. Here’s to many more shows in the future!


An Adventurer Urging a Companion to Wake Up


(1) Eldric – A seasoned adventurer, always alert and ready for action.
(2) Fen – A younger companion, still learning the ropes.



(1) – Fen! Wake up! We need to move, NOW!
(2) – Ugh… What’s happening? Is it morning already?
(1) – No time for questions! Grab your gear, quickly!
(2) – Wait, wait… What’s the rush?
(1) – There’s a pack of wolves closing in. We have to get out of here.
(2) – Wolves?! Why didn’t you wake me sooner?
(1) – Less talking, more moving! We can discuss my timing later.
(2) – Alright, alright! I’m up, I’m up! Let’s go!
(1) – Stay close to me. We’ll make it through this, Fen. Just keep moving.

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All text, images, and media on this website are owned by Sara Beth. All rights reserved © 2024

Tags: voice over, vocal talent, vocal artist, voice over artist, voice over talent, southern, Northern American accent, narration, commercial, character, fun, upbeat, e-learning, friendly voice, audiobook narration, corporate voice over, animation voice over, professional voice over, IVR voice, female, demo, custom voice over, experienced voice talent, easy to work with, memorable voice, video game voice, telephone system, telecommunication voice, cute voice