Sara Beth

'Sad' Scripts

All scripts found here are free to use, and can be used for demo reels or however else you see fit. 


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(pacing slowly) I don’t understand… I thought we were happy. I thought we had everything figured out. (voice trembling) But now, you’re leaving. Just like that. (pauses, wiping tears) How am I supposed to go on without you? Every plan, every dream… they all had you in them. And now, it feels like the ground has been ripped out from under me. (sobs quietly) I feel so lost.

(sitting with head in hands) It wasn’t supposed to be this way. I had plans. Dreams. (pauses, shaking head) And now, they’re all shattered. Gone. (voice breaking) Every day feels like I’m just going through the motions, pretending to be okay. But inside? Inside, I’m falling apart. (sighs deeply) I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.

(standing still, looking distant) I don’t know how to say goodbye. It feels… impossible. You were my anchor, my constant. (voice shaking) And now you’re gone. Just like that. (pauses, wiping tears) I feel like I’m drifting, lost at sea. Nothing makes sense without you here. And I don’t know how to find my way back.

(sitting by a window, looking out) Remember when we used to sit here and watch the rain? It feels so empty now. (voice breaking) Every drop that hits the glass feels like a reminder of what I’ve lost. (pauses, tearing up) I miss you so much it hurts. And I don’t know if that pain will ever go away.

(sitting alone, hugging knees) Everyone says it gets easier with time. But what if they’re wrong? (voice cracking) It’s been months, and the pain is still just as sharp. (pauses, rocking slightly) I feel like I’m drowning, and no one can save me. (sobs quietly) I don’t know how to keep going.

(holding a piece of jewelry) This necklace… you gave it to me on our anniversary. It used to make me smile, but now it just hurts. (voice breaking) Every time I see it, I think of you. Of us. And I can’t help but wonder… what went wrong? (sobs) Why did you have to leave?

(sitting in the dark) The nights are the hardest. When everything is quiet, and it’s just me and my thoughts. (voice breaking) I keep replaying our last conversation, wishing I could change it. (sobs) But I can’t. And now, I have to live with the emptiness you left behind.

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All text, images, and media on this website are owned by Sara Beth. All rights reserved © 2024

Tags: voice over, vocal talent, vocal artist, voice over artist, voice over talent, southern, Northern American accent, narration, commercial, character, fun, upbeat, e-learning, friendly voice, audiobook narration, corporate voice over, animation voice over, professional voice over, IVR voice, female, demo, custom voice over, experienced voice talent, easy to work with, memorable voice, video game voice, telephone system, telecommunication voice, cute voice