Sara Beth

'3-Person' Scripts

All scripts found here are free to use, and can be used for demo reels or however else you see fit. 


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A Surgeon Reflecting on Her Capabilities


(1) Dr. Emily – A skilled surgeon, confident but introspective.
(2) Nurse Claire – Emily’s close friend and colleague.
(3) Dr. David – A fellow surgeon, often seen as a rival.
(1) – Claire, I can’t stop thinking about today’s surgery. It was…challenging.
(2) – You did great, Emily. The patient pulled through because of you.
(3) – Emily, your precision was impressive. Even I was on edge.
(1) – Thanks, David. But there’s always this nagging doubt. Did I do everything I could?
(2) – You did, Emily. You always do. It’s what makes you a great surgeon.
(3) – Doubt is natural, Emily. It’s what drives us to be better.
(1) – I suppose so. Each patient is a reminder of the fragility of life.
(2) – And each success is a testament to your skill and dedication.
(3) – Remember, Emily, you’re one of the best. Trust in your abilities.
(1) – Thanks, both of you. It’s good to have friends who understand.


A Dad Contemplating Adulthood Responsibilities


(1) Greg – A dad, reflecting on the responsibilities of adulthood.
(2) Max – Greg’s teenage son, learning about adulthood.
(3) Lisa – Greg’s wife, providing perspective.
(1) – You know, Max, adulthood isn’t just about freedom. It’s a lot of responsibility.
(2) – I get that, Dad. But it seems so…overwhelming sometimes.
(3) – It can be, Max. But you’ll have us to guide you.
(1) – When I was your age, I thought I had it all figured out. Turns out, there’s always more to learn.
(2) – Like what?
(3) – Balancing work and family, making tough decisions…the little things that add up.
(1) – And understanding that it’s okay to not have all the answers. You grow with each experience.
(2) – I guess it’s about doing your best, huh?
(3) – Exactly. And knowing that we’re here for you, no matter what.
(1) – We’re a team, Max. Together, we can handle anything.
(2) – Thanks, Dad, Mom. I feel better knowing you’ve got my back.
(3) – Always, Max. Always.


An Adventurer Urging a Companion to Wake Up


(1) Aria – A seasoned adventurer, always ready for action.
(2) Leo – Aria’s companion, a bit more hesitant but loyal.
(3) Brynn – A fellow adventurer, caught in a trap.
(1) – Leo, wake up! We’ve got trouble.
(2) – Ugh…what’s going on, Aria?
(3) – Help! I’m stuck in this trap!
(1) – Brynn’s in trouble. We have to move, NOW.
(2) – Right, right. I’m up. What do we do?
(3) – Hurry, this thing’s tightening!
(1) – Leo, grab that vine and pull. We need to get Brynn out of there before it’s too late.
(2) – Got it. Hang on, Brynn!
(3) – Please, hurry!
(1) – Almost there…just a little more…and…FREE!
(2) – Phew. That was close. You okay, Brynn?
(3) – Thanks to you both. Let’s get out of here before something else finds us.


A Sibling Reluctantly Sending Their Sister Away



(1) Alex – A protective older sibling.
(2) Mia – Alex’s younger sister, eager to explore the world.
(3) James – Mia’s friend, accompanying her on her journey.
(1) – Mia, are you sure about this? Leaving home…it’s a big step.
(2) – I am, Alex. It’s time I see the world for myself.
(3) – She’ll be fine, Alex. I’ll be with her every step of the way.
(1) – I know, James. It’s just…she’s my little sister.
(2) – I appreciate your concern, Alex. But I need to do this. For me.
(3) – We’ll take care of each other. You know that.
(1) – Alright. Just promise me you’ll stay safe and keep in touch.
(2) – I promise. Thank you for always looking out for me.
(3) – We’ll send updates and photos. You won’t miss a thing.
(1) – Take care, Mia. I’ll be waiting for you when you come back.
(2) – Goodbye, Alex. I’ll miss you.

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All text, images, and media on this website are owned by Sara Beth. All rights reserved © 2024

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