Sara Beth

'Video Game' Scripts

All scripts found here are free to use, and can be used for demo reels or however else you see fit. 


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[Excitement and Determination] (eyes wide) We’re almost there… just a few more steps! Can you feel it? (grinning) The treasure’s right behind that door. Let’s make history together! (holds up a map) Remember, we deciphered these ancient runes ourselves. This is our moment, our adventure.

[Frustration and Urgency] (fists clenched) Why won’t this stupid door open? (pounding on door) Come on, we don’t have time for this! The enemy’s right behind us. We need to move NOW! (glances over shoulder) I can hear their footsteps getting closer. If we don’t get through, we’re finished.

[Fear and Desperation] (wide-eyed) No, no, no, this can’t be happening… We have to find another way out. (looking around frantically) If we don’t… We’ll be trapped here forever. (voice shaking) Please, there has to be another exit! (starts searching the walls) There must be a hidden switch or a secret passage!

[Hopeful and Inspiring] (gestures to horizon) Look at the horizon… It’s a new dawn. (eyes shining) We’ve faced darkness, but now we rise. Together, nothing can stop us. (determined) Let’s forge ahead and claim our future. (raises weapon) This land will know our strength and our resolve.

[Joyful and Celebratory] (laughs) We did it! Can you believe it? (cheering) All our hard work paid off. This victory… it’s ours to celebrate! (holds up trophy) We’ve overcome every challenge, and now we stand victorious. Let’s savor this moment!

[Determined and Confident] (steady gaze) Stand your ground. We’ve trained for this moment. (nods) Remember your training, and trust in your skills. We’ll get through this, together. (draws weapon) We’ve faced worse and come out stronger. This time will be no different.

[Vengeful and Resolute] (cold stare) They think they can get away with this? They’ve messed with the wrong people. (sharp breath) We’re not just going to stand by and watch. (clenches fists) We’ll make them pay. (steps forward) No mercy. (unsheathes sword) Their reckoning is upon them, and we will deliver justice.

I can’t wait to chat with you! Here’s my contact info:




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All text, images, and media on this website are owned by Sara Beth. All rights reserved © 2024

Tags: voice over, vocal talent, vocal artist, voice over artist, voice over talent, southern, Northern American accent, narration, commercial, character, fun, upbeat, e-learning, friendly voice, audiobook narration, corporate voice over, animation voice over, professional voice over, IVR voice, female, demo, custom voice over, experienced voice talent, easy to work with, memorable voice, video game voice, telephone system, telecommunication voice, cute voice